Aspen Knolls Estates H.O.A., Inc.
The Aspen Knolls Estates, (AKE) Homeowner's Association, (H.O.A.) DOES NOT have a Facebook Page. There are no Facebook pages that are affiliated with or authorized by the the Aspen Knolls Estates Board of Directors OR representative of their point of view and or opinions. Unfortunately, there are unauthorized social media pages, including Facebook containing intentional misinformation in regards to the community. although there are some good, helpful hints, suggestions and directives from some very well intended residents, there are just as many that are quick to paint the community, its residents, its BOD and vendors in an unflattering light. Always contact the management office when questions arise. This website is informational only. Always call, email, fax or stop in the onsite management office when you have any questions and or requests.
The Management Office is located on site at: 151 Ilyssa Way, S.I., N.Y. 10312 Tel: 718-605-0984/718-605-0974 Fax: 718-356-3791Email: OR
Office Hours:
The management office is staffed 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday. Due to the unwarranted, abusive and threatening behavior towards the management staff, the management offices remain closed to the public.
Payments continue to be taken care of. Work orders are addressed, registrations of new cars and owners continue by appointment only.
Credit Cards payments are accepted between the hours of 9am - 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday.
Checks/payments can be left in the HOA dues box.
Work orders can be emailed, (, fax (718-356-3791) or called in, (718-605-0984/718-605-0974)
Sales/closing inquiries: Please email
Security continues to be onsite seven nights a week. Security can be reached at: 347-695-7278
Any new cars requiring a parking sticker will be by appointment only. Contact management, in advance to set up an appointment.
Any unidentifiable calls or callers to the Management Office will not be accepted. If your phone has a blocked line, please suspend the block when calling the Management Office OR the After Hours number.
The uncalled for verbal abuse from residents towards the staff of the management company will not be tolerated. The staff is doing their job. The rules of the community are unilaterally enforced and applied, with no exceptions. The owners and legal counsel for LCS Mgt. will not hesitate to legally address anyone threatening verbal or physical harm to their staff.
On Site Security provided by:
Sleuth Investigations Universal, (SIU):
If you have a true emergency, please dial 911.
If, upon arriving late at night and find no parking, you have to telephone Security to inform them of your location in the community. A Security Guard will arrive, log your information and provide a Conditional Overnight Pass for that one night. This is the mandatory procedure for each occurrence.
Any unidentifiable calls or callers to the Security Office will not be accepted. If your phone has a blocked line, please suspend the block when calling the Security Office.
Thought for the day:
As an owner in an HOA, YOU are responsible for the actions of your family and guests. This means you are not only responsible for any damage(s) they cause to Association property, but more importantly you are responsible to see to it that they follow the rules of the HOA and do not disturb other owners and their families.
Common Charges are billed monthly. Payment in full is due, in the management office no later than the end of business on the 1st of each month. There is a grace period of the 10th, any payment received after 4:30 on the 10th of any month will be billed a late fee, in the amount of $25.00. When the 10th falls on a weekend or holiday, payment has to be received in the management office no later than 4:30 pm that Friday.
As per the
Offering Plan, all accounts are required to have a zero balance at the end of each month's billing cycle to avoid a late fee being imposed onto the account.
As per the Offering Plan: any account in arrears will have all parking, pool and Association Member Services revoked until the account is brought to current. Keeping your account current will avoid legal collection action.
Late, delinquent and accounts with judgments awarded in favor of the community are reported to each of the three major Credit Bureaus.
Work Orders:
Work orders cannot be addressed if Management is not made aware of the corrective work being needed. It is the responsibility of the homeowner(s) to inform Management of:
1. A tree requires trimming. Call, email or fax Management with the information so that a work order can be generated.
2. A street light is out or malfunctioning. Each light pole is numbered. Call, email or fax Management with the pole number so that a work order can be generated.
2. If your home has a roof leak. Call, email or fax Management with the information so that a work order can be generated.
3. Siding issues. Call, email or fax Management with the information so that a work order can be generated.
4. Bees, wasps, or ants at the outside of your home. Call, email or fax Management with the information so that a work order can be generated.
5. Leaders, gutters or soffit issues. Call, email or fax Management with the information so that a work order can be generated.
6. Pot holes in the street OR within a cul de sac. Call, email or fax Management with the information so that a work order can be generated.
7. If siding has become loose, call Management so that a work order can be generated.
Non-work orders:If a "green" utility box, such as for cable or electric is open, damaged or compromised, call 311 and report it. As homeowner's it is your responsibility to report it to the proper agency.
If there is a power failure, check your breakers first. If there is still an issue, contact Con Edison.
DO NOT PARK in yellow painted, "No Parking" Zones. The entrance/exit at Ilyssa Way & Woodrow Road is plagued with owners that insist on parking at the yellow lines on either side of the street. They are creating dangerous conditions for the children and parents. The Board of Directors will continue to have identified owners fined accordingly for parking in any "No Parking" Zone. These are also "Tow Zones". Anyone parking in these zones risk their vehicle(s) being towed.
Any owner who erects a "pop up" canopy or tent must take it down at the end of the evening, before retiring for the night.
Anyone leaving the canopy/tent up will fined, $150.00 onto their account.

Any unidentifiable calls or callers to the Management OR Security Office will not be accepted. If your phone has a blocked line, please suspend the block when calling the Management Office, Security Office, OR the After Hours number.
Just a friendly reminder that if your home faces the street, (not within a cul de sac), your trash has to be put out curbside in front of your home. Residents have been placing their trash outside of cul de sacs they do not live in. Trash is also being discarded in front of the mailbox clusters, which should not have trash in front of them or be blocked at any time.
All patio sets, lawn items and grills have to be put away for the winter, NO LATER THAN October 31st, in any given year.
Please DO NOT attach any video equipment and or spot lights to the gutters and or leaders on the home. The weight of anything on the leaders/down spouts and or gutters can cause them to become separated from the home or come off completely. Re-installation and if need be, replacement will be at the cost of the homeowner.
There are many homes that homeowners have installed security cameras. The Association welcomes owners having cameras, however, any home experiencing water intrusion, (leak) under the siding of the home stemming from where the video surveillance equipment is attached to the siding of a home is the responsibility of the homeowner to address. The Association will not be responsible for any water intrusion into the home.
The management office is closed to the public. This decision has nothing to do with Covid and everything do to with the abusive and aggressive behavior towards the management staff. LCS is exercising their legal right to work in a safe environment.
Appointments are booked in advance for the following:
1. Registering a vehicle. Once the yellow registration is received, contact management: 718-605-0984/718-605-0974,, to set up an appointment to register the vehicle and obtain the appropriate parking sticker.
2. Registering as a new owner in the community. Please bring your closing papers, including the Transfer of Title & Deed. Contact management: 718-605-0984/718-605-0974.
When arriving at the rear door of the building:
1. Please be on time. There are appointments booked throughout the day.
2. The appointment is in the clubhouse so entry is from the back of the building once management is made aware of your presence.
3. Anyone more than 10 minutes late will have to reschedule. There are other appointments pre-scheduled throughout the day. .
4. Have all your paperwork in order.
Account questions can be addressed via email at
Statements are generated after midnight on the 11th of each month. If payment is received after the 10th the payment will not be reflected on your statement. Before calling the office double check when you left your payment in the HOA dues box.
Payments on a debit card or credit card can be called into the management office Monday - Friday, 9:30 am-4:30 pm. There is a service fee the Merchant Account Service automatically charges.
Visa, MasterCard, Discover accepted

Calls into the management Office are monitored and recorded for quality assurance and security purposes.
Although there are those who want people to believe their remarks that the AKE Board or management dictates the operation of the Baybridge Condo and its residents, they do not. The Baybridge Condo has its own Board, rules and regulations. The Baybridge Board calls the shots in the buildings, enforces their CCR's & By-laws. All decisions in regards to the operation of their association, the enforcement of their by-laws, rules and regulations have nothing to do with AKE.