Aspen Knolls Estates H.O.A., Inc.

Any account not current/in arrears will not be allowed into the pool. Member Services, including the pool are suspended until account is brought to current status.
The community pool is equipped with a Handicap Lift. The Lift Chair will be available to wheelchair bound patrons only. Caregivers are required to see the Pool Manager for instruction and assistance. The Lift has a maximum weight capacity of 375 lbs. Feel free to view the video.
The pool will open Memorial Day Weekend and for weekends only through June 26th. The pool will be open 7 days a week, noon - 7:45 pm from June 30th through Labor Day, 2024. Guest passes will not be available until July 1st, 2024.
Please check your pool passes in case they have expired. For those with expired pool passes only, send a single email for each person already registered as living in your home. The photo has to be a current selfie/photo in Jpeg format. Only a just taken, shoulder to head shot with a non-descript background.
The photos can only be in JPEG Format. The machine cannot process other formats.
No Vacation, holiday, party, school pictures, or glam shots, no pictures of a picture, no photo shopped pictures or a pdf of a photo.
The body of the email must have the name, date of birth and address of the person in the picture. One email for each renewing pool pass.
Management will cross-reference the permanent record on file of each home’s pool passes previously issued. Any request submitted for a person not already registered as living in the home will not be processed. It goes without saying the new owners after last pool season and or the addition of a child will require the owner to do a full registration.
Please do not submit a request for anyone not already registered as living in the home. DO NOT call or email requesting a photo pool pass for anyone not living in your home.
The passes will be processed and left in a sealed envelope with the last name and address and left at the pool for pick up. The envelope has to be signed for.
Requests can be emailed after April 1st. Emails requesting photo ID cards that are received after May 25th will not be accepted. The only exception will be for new owners.
The 5-Punch Guest pass will not be available for use until the pool has opened full time. The procedure remains the same. $25.00 for a 5-punch pass, a check, made payable to Aspen Knolls Estates HOA has to be placed in the HOA dues box at the rear of the clubhouse. Only one 5-punch pass can be purchased at a time. Once the pass has 5 punches, the pool manager will take the used pass, return it to management and only then can another 5-punch pass be purchased. Owners must remain at the pool with their guests at all times. Anyone in arrear will have no access to the pool while in arrears.
The pool is open from July 1st through Labor Day, Seven days per week from Noon – 7:45 PM. Weekends and holidays from Noon – 7:45 PM. Please be advised hours are subject to change with notice.
Utilizing the pool is at your own risk.
The following rules and regulations have been carefully considered and collectively agreed upon by the Board of Directors. These rules are intended for the safety and protection of the homeowners, their families and guest.
Parents are responsible for the knowledge and obedience of these rules by their children. The Pool staff will be responsible for the execution of these rules and regulations. Violation of these rules may result in the immediate suspension of pool privileges by the pool supervisory personnel. Serious or persistent violations will result in the revocation of the violator’s pool pass by the Board of Directors.
These rules may be changed at any time by the Board of Directors. Such changes will be posted at the pool site main entrance.
1. All family members must stop and present valid pool identification passes each time they enter the pool. Pool management will hold on to the passes during your stay at the pool. Any person not identified will be considered trespassing and asked to leave.
2. Children under the age of 14 are not permitted without an adult. Persons taking responsibility for a child less than 14 must be 18 or older.
3. Children using the kiddy pool must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.
4. Diapers are not allowed in the Kiddy/Wading Pool. Children are to wear Little Swimmers Swimmies.
5. No persons will be permitted to enter the pool area with a cough, cold, poison ivy, skin eczema, open cuts or any other communicable ailments or diseases as determined by the pool manager per NYC Department of Health regulations.
6. Appropriate swim wear is required to enter the pool complex. The Board reserves the right to deem what is appropriate swim wear for the family environment established at Aspen Knolls Estates. Thongs are not considered appropriate. Please refrain from wearing them.
7. There is a designated area with tables and chairs, which is fenced off the Men’s Room pool area. This is the only area that food and or nonalcoholic beverages, (in plastic bottles, never in glass bottles) are allowed. No food of any kind may be eaten on the pool decking area.
8. No beer, wine, smoking, or other alcoholic beverages are permitted at any time within the confines of the Lap Pool area, Wading Pool, (kiddie pool), area, sitting area, and or sun bathing area of the pool premises. No glassware of any kind may be brought into the community pool.
9. No dogs or pets are permitted in the pool area.
10. No running, pushing, horseplay, abusive language or excessive noise will be tolerated.
11. No ball or Frisbee playing in the pool area unless organized by the pool staff
12. All radio playing must be accompanied by earphones.
13. Absolutely no DIVING/ JUMPING in the pool. The pool is 4 feet deep.
14. You cannot use face masks, tubes or floats. Goggles only may be used in the pool.
15. Blow up Arm Swimmies are no allowed in the pool. Only Coast Guard Approved floating devises are permitted.
16. Infants who are not potty trained must wear swimming diapers at all times. Ages 3 and under have to be in the kiddy pool only and supervised at all times.
17. Should an emergency occur, a continuous blast of the whistle will sound. All bathers must immediately exit the pool and clear the pool area.
18. The Pool Management & the HOA reserves the right to close the pool at anytime.
19. Any personal injuries sustained must be reported to the pool staff immediately.
20. If any homeowner is 30 days behind in their common charges, they and every member of their household will lose pool privileges.
21. Any homeowner found to be using one of their own Guest Pass(es) to bring an owner or immediate family member of an owner in arrears with no pool privileges into the pool, will be fined and or possible suspension of their own pool privileges. You may not bring delinquent homeowners into the pool as your guests.
22. Anyone leaving their Pool Pass/Resident Identification Card at the pool when the exit, do so at their own risk. The Pool Company is not responsible to hold onto or keep track of any resident pool pass. There is a $35.00 processing fee to replace any lost Pool Pass / Resident Identification Card.
The pool is open July 1st through Labor Day, seven days a week from noon until 7:45 pm. Please be advised hours are subject to change with notice.
The following rules and regulations have been carefully considered and collectively agreed upon by the Board of Directors. These rules are intended for the safety and protection of the homeowners, their families and guest. Parents are responsible for the knowledge and obedience of these rules by their children. The Pool staff will be responsible for the execution of these rules and regulations. Violation of these rules may result in the immediate suspension of pool privileges by the pool supervisory personnel. Serious or persistent violations will result in the revocation of the violator’s pool pass by the Board of Directors.
These rules may be changed at any time by the Board of Directors. Such changes will be posted at the pool site main entrance.
1. All family members must stop and present valid pool identification passes each time they enter the pool. Pool management will hold on to the passes during your stay at the pool. Any person not identified will be considered trespassing and asked to leave. Guests may only enter with an adult member of the household and a valid guest pass registered to that household.
2. Children under the age of 14 are not permitted without an adult. Persons taking responsibility for a child less than 14 must be 18 or older.
3. Children, 4 and under are only allowed in the the kiddy pool and must be accompanied and supervised by an adult at all times.
4. Diapers are not allowed in the Kiddy/Wading Pool. Children are to wear Little Swimmers Swimmies.
5. No persons will be permitted to enter the pool area with a cough, cold, poison ivy, skin eczema, open cuts or any other communicable ailments or diseases as determined by the pool manager per NYC Department of Health regulations.
6. Appropriate swim wear is required to enter the pool complex. The Board reserves the right to deem what is appropriate swim wear for the family environment established at Aspen Knolls Estates. Thongs are not considered appropriate. Please refrain from wearing them.
7. There is a designated area with tables and chairs, which is fenced off the Men’s Room pool area. This is the only area that food and or nonalcoholic beverages, (in plastic bottles, never in glass bottles) are allowed. No food of any kind may be eaten on the pool decking area.
8. No beer, wine, smoking, or other alcoholic beverages are permitted at any time within the confines of the Lap Pool area, Wading Pool, (kiddie pool), area, sitting area, and or sun bathing area of the pool premises. No glassware of any kind may be brought into the community pool.
9. No dogs or pets are permitted in the pool area.
10. No running, pushing, horseplay, abusive language or excessive noise will be tolerated.
11. No ball or Frisbee playing in the pool area unless organized by the pool staff
12. All radio playing must be accompanied by earphones.
13. Absolutely no DIVING/ JUMPING in the pool. The pool is 4 feet deep.
14. You cannot use face masks, tubes or floats. Goggles only may be used in the pool.
15. Blow up Arm Swimmies are no allowed in the pool. Only Coast Guard Approved floating devises are permitted.
16. Infants who are not potty trained must wear swimming diapers at all times. Ages 4 and under have to be in the kiddy pool only and supervised at all times.
17. Should an emergency occur, a continuous blast of the whistle will sound. All bathers must immediately exit the pool and clear the pool area.
18. The Pool Management & the HOA reserves the right to close the pool at anytime.
19. Any personal injuries sustained must be reported to the pool staff immediately.
20. If any homeowner is 30 days or behind in their common charges, they and every member of their household will lose pool privileges.
21. Any homeowner found to be using one of their own Guest Pass(es) to bring an owner or immediate family member of an owner in arrears with no pool privileges into the pool, will be fined and or possible suspension of their own pool privileges. You may not bring delinquent homeowners into the pool as your guests.
22. Anyone leaving their Pool Pass/Resident Identification Card at the pool when the exit, do so at their own risk. The Pool Company is not responsible to hold onto or keep track of any resident pool pass. There is a $35.00 processing fee to replace any lost Pool Pass / Resident Identification Card.